How to do easy hoverboard tricks

How to do easy hoverboard tricks [Videos]

Hoverboards are all the rage at the moment, and there are a lot of people interested in how to do easy hoverboard tricks. Here are some hoverboard trick videos that we’ve compiled from across the web. By and large, these are easy hoverboard tricks, although there are some harder tricks in this list. As with any hoverboard tricks, we recommend hoverboard safety gear.

The Roundabout

To do the Roundabout, crouch and hold on to one wheel cover for stability. Then begin rotating in a circle. [Source]

The Sideways Circle
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To do the Sideways Circle, balance on one pedal/rim of your hoverboard, and spin. This can be done with either the inner wheel of the rotation or the outer wheel (as shown in the gif above).

The Bounceback
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The Bounceback is pretty simple, just tilt forward to ride for a few feet, and then backwards again, rapidly. [Source]

The Turnstyle
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The Turnstyle is one of the most common easy hoverboard tricks: basically you rotate your hoverboard while jumping so your feet land back on the footpads but you’re oriented towards the back instead of the front. [Source]

The Sitting Spin-Circle
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The sitting spin circle is an easy hoverboard trick you can do by sitting down on your hoverboard lengthwise, bowing your knees out, and then tilting to spin. [Source]

The Handstand
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Some hoverboard trick videos look easy. Others don’t. This one doesn’t. The Handstand is exactly what it sounds like: doing a handstand on your hoverboard. It helps to start from a position down on all fours like in the above GIF. [Source]

As a reminder, safety is extremely important when you’re learning to do hoverboard tricks (whether they’re easy hoverboard tricks or difficult ones). Don’t forget to wear proper hoverboard safety gear while learning tricks.

Looking for more fun things to do with your hoverboard, check out these hoverboard games for kids and teens.